Citrix Cloud Desktops

What are Citrix Cloud Desktops?

The Internet is the Big Cloud

That Cloud is made of smaller Clouds, clusters of servers that may be hosted in the same Data Center, or somewhere else. Cluster is, therefore, a system structure that combines two or more computers that work in complete sync, as if they were a single one. It is a concept that arose from the complexity of tasks that need to be processed at the same time.

Intelligently, those computers, called servers, share a variety of resources, such as storage, memory, Internet connectivity, devices and security software and hardware, and even CPU power. By working together, those machines make it possible for computing resources to be remotely available through an Internet connection. Thus, the powerful technology system is formed: the Cloud.

Citrix Cloud Desktop is your Virtual Office. It can be safely reached from anywhere and device. As you access your desktop through your own devices, it is actually stored in safely stored in one, or many, powerful servers, which are deployed in one, or many distributed, safe Data Centers across the world.

Without that Cloud safety, if any damage occurs to any computer in your company – or even your personal computer and devices – and the data has not been backed up, it is possible that documents or any other information stored on that machine will be lost.

Be safe anywhere in the world!

Automatically, with Cloud, if there is any problem with any physical servers, there will be another machine that automatically takes over the entire load and reduces the risk of downtime for your Cloud-based systems and/or apps. That infrastructure makes it possible for a virtual server to have permanent high-availability and performance.

Our Citrix Cloud Desktop infrastructure provides the scalability and flexibility needed to enhance and better manage your workplace computer environment.Regardless of the number or geographical disposition of your employees, or if you intend to improve the management of equipment in the work environment.

To those advantages, you can add the infinite computing power capacity, the guarantee of business continuity and survivability in face of any disaster, as well as high-grade security and cost savings.

Citrix Virtual Desktop: Simplification and security

To offer all those workplace I.T. management advantages, with maximum efficiency, we, at All IT Host, chose Citrix ’s amazing virtualization technology: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop Services . By providing I.T. control of Virtual Machines, Apps, users and security, that technology offers the ability for any user to access a Virtual Remote Desktop from any device, anywhere. As Citrix states, final users are able to access their Virtual Desktops and any apps running there, without concerning about the Operating System or the type of the device they using to do it.

Remember those problems and losses caused by a computer freezing or crashing, especially when you had some important work being done, and forgot to save it? Those are basically gone, because of our Citrix Virtual Desktop services’ infrastructure power. As well, its built-in high security and cryptography protocols guarantee that your virtual systems will comply with all security-related certifications and regulations, issued by governments and/or market organizations.

That is why a Cloud Desktop goes well beyond just keeping your files somewhere else. It offers supercomputer power in any device you or your employees use to access it. And, your business will always have the latest and most up-to-date Microsoft Windows release, fully operational, even in a smartphone.

Lastly, you and your company will be able to use the most up-to-date software and apps, even if you access your Cloud Desktop from any old computer, provided it has an Internet connection. Another point for getting even more savings by cutting expenses related to the acquisition of new computers and respective software licenses.

Take a look at those and more advantages.

And , to see how to move into our Cloud will be the right decision!